The Macroeconomic Risk Chair, SCOR – PSE has been launched in June 2018. Held by PSE, it is financed by the SCOR Foundation for Science.
Under the scientific leadership of Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE, ENS) and the executive leadership of Axelle Ferriere (PSE, CNRS), the Chair aims to strengthen high level research and the dissemination of knowledge to generate a better understanding of contemporary macroeconomics.
To contribute to this goal, a newsletter is released three times a year, summarizing the research performed and promoted within the Chair. To read the previous newsletters, follow this link.
> Can Democracy Survive a Concentrated Economy ?
An interview with Luigi Zingales (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
> A Model of Post-2008 Monetary Policy, by Olivier Loisel (CREST, ENSAE)
> A Model of Credit, Money, Interest and Prices, by Saki Bigio (UCLA, NBER)
> Falling Interest Rates and Credit Misallocation : Lessons from General Equilibrium, by Alberto Martin (CREi, UPF, Barcelona GSE)
> The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Household Spending, by Olivier Coibion (University of Texas at Austin)
> Zero Lower Bound on Inflation Expectations, by Dmitriy Sergeyev (Bocconi University)