
Research projects

Jean-Bernard Chatelain works on the methodological foundations of stabilization policy. He investigates issues such as credibility,
multiple equiibria, bifurcations towards instability and the identification of the parameters of the policy transmission mechanisms.

Daniel Cohen is conducting research in international Macroeconomics, notably on sovereign debt and economic shocks that entail financial crisis. He is also studying populism, and its effects on the existing political paradigm. At the crossroads of these two fields, Daniel Cohen is working, along with researchers from the Cepremap, on the way economic cycles depend on socio-political parameters from one country to another (trust in the government, the firms…).

Catherine Doz research interests concern Time Series Analysis, and in particular Dynamic Factor Models. Those models, which aim at summarizing the simultaneous dynamic behaviour of large numbers of economic series, are used for short term forecasting. They are particularly useful for “nowcasting” i.e. for the assessment of the current state of the economy before the main macroeconomic variables are released.

Axelle Ferriere is a quantitative macroeconomist. Her research primarily focuses on fiscal policy and redistribution, through the lens of heterogeneous-agent models. She is also interested in the quantitative effects of uncertainty. Her work has been published in journals such as American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics and Journal of Monetary Economics.

Jean-Olivier Hairault is a macroeconomist specializing in the dynamics of unemployment and retirement policies. He also works on economic fluctuations and on stabilization policies in general. From a methodological point of view, his research has developed within the framework of stochastic general equilibrium models.

Francesco Pappada‘s research interests are in macroeconomics and international macroeconomics. He explores the aggregate consequences of firm dynamics, including the cleansing effect of recessions, and the impact of firm heterogeneity on exchange rate fluctuations. He is also interested in fiscal policy and the implications of imperfect tax compliance on sovereign default and fiscal consolidations.

Gilles Saint-Paul is a professor at the Paris School of Economics and Ecole Normale Supérieure (PSL). His work is on macroeconomic theory, in particular growth, labor market issues, and political economy. His publications include The political economy of labor market institutions (Oxford University Press, 2000) and The tyranny of utility (Princeton University Press, 2011) as well as numerous publications in international journals.

Bertrand Wigniolle is interested in long-term theoretical macroeconomics. His recent work focuses on the macroeconomic consequences when the agent rationality hypothesis is weakened. He also works on financial markets imperfections and their influence on macroeconomic dynamics.